Jack Skellington-American flag independence day shirt. Sick. Diseased. She’s every bit as complicit in the crimes masterminded by the influencer as he is and deserves the same heavy sentence – death. Say ‘woman’ not a teenager. May she rip. Africa Khanam it’s like the tree falling in the words question. Do stupid people exist without being recorded. The answer sadly is yes. The video just becomes the evidence much like the sound of the tree. The soul has gone, and this stupidity is gaining momentum. If there were no stupidity, no killing is there, no evidence is required. This is, by far, the most Black Mirror like news I´ve seen this month, maybe a year. WOW (keep in mind I live in Brazil, world number 1 in homicides and violent deaths in general) That’s horrifying. There’s a lot of sick, “evil” people in this world. Gonna hug my daughter extra tight when she wakes up tomorrow. I can’t imagine what the parents must be going through knowing how their daughter died. This is sickening.
Buy this shirt: Jack Skellington-American flag independence day shirt